
Showing posts from September, 2020

Python [my code 😄😄😄]

  PYTHON k.Eswar krsihna  This is my persnol blog  Sourse: Coad With Harry  link: Click to visit Why do i choose python?? python is easy to use while compared to java,c,c++.  P ython is  a preferred high-level,  server-side programming language for websites and mobile apps. Python is mainly used in Machine learning Web Development Data science Android app development My first Pyhon Program print ( "Hello World" )  Basics of Python-- a =  32           # int b =  "Eswar"      # string(it means text) c =  45.32        # flot d =  3.5         # flot print ( float (a + c))  # Shows decimal value also print ( int (a + d))    # it skips the...

Python projects

My   Python projects  Project 1: Write a coad to add two numbers # 1. addition of two numbers-- print ( "Addition of two numbers" ) print ( "Enter first number" ) a =  int ( input ()) print ( "Enter second number" ) b =  int ( input ()) print ( "the sum the numbers is--" ) print (a+b) #    addition of two numbers-- Result for the above code E:\languages\python codeing>python Addition of two numbers Enter first number 5 Enter second number 56 the sum the numbers is-- 61 Project 2: Create a diictonary and take input from user and return the meaning print ( "Dictionary" ) print ( "Enter the word to find in the Dictionary" ) d1 = { "WAN" : "Wide area network"  ,  "LAN" : "Local area network"  ,  "SAN" : "Storage area network"  ,  "CA...